watch masterclass today



Are you ready to shape your future with more alignment & purpose?

The affirmations masterclass is over 1.5 hours of mindset magic as you learn how affirmations can change your life and business.

Approved by a Mindset & Energetics Coach!

What are 


An affirmation is simply an assertion that something exists or is true... and you are affirming truths all day, every day with what you're saying to yourself!

But are they aligned with your desires?

The beauty of affirmations is that these truth statements can be used intentionally to create and shape a belief system within your mindset. You can create new beliefs that 100% align with what you desire and what you want.

If you believe you can, you will.

Your thoughts create your reality, and affirmations are the perfect opportunity to consciously choose incredible thoughts.

I am so passionate about affirmations and how transformational they can be for personal and business growth. I use affirmations every day and I’m constantly up-levelling. I want to share this passion and excitement with you so that you can rise with affirmations too.

This is for you if... 


You’re a woman in business who loves self-development


You have have big, juicy goals and you’re ready to up-level yourself


You’re learning the importance of mindset + self-belief in business - and you’re ready to make positive changes from the inside-out


You’ve new to or dabbled with affirmations but now you’re ready for a magical, consistent practice to step into that next level

In this masterclass you will…


  • Learn about affirmations from a physical mindset and spiritual mindset perspective - I love to mix the science with the magic!


  • Know how they can work for you (not against you!) - because once you know their power, you’ll want to be consistent


  • Create your own unique affirmations that 100% align with your goals & desires


  • Understand how to use affirmations in your daily rituals, even if you don’t feel there’s time for “another habit”


  • Be ready to review & up-level your affirmations - so your affirmations grow with you!

Ready for your next-level affirmations ritual?


Inspired by angel numbers - 3’s gorgeously represent growth, expansion and the divine!



You'll leave feeling…


Empowered as you’ll have personalised affirmations to start using right away for your life & business


Inspired to show up in alignment with your chosen affirmations - watch out world!


Excited to create your own mindset magic ritual + fill your mind with goodness



 it’s a wonderful opportunity to openly hear from other incredible women that love bettering themselves and ready to transform their mindset... knowing you're not alone with any "limiting thoughts" you currently have. 

what client's have said…

Charlotte - OBM

"The affirmations masterclass was incredible. 

I hadn't understood the power of affirmations before, but with Becky’s guidance, I was able to come up with aligned affirmations that feel 'true to me' and I am now using them as part of my daily practice.

Thank you Becky!"

Get ready to receive

Instant access to 1.5 hour Masterclass to watch at your leisure (and on repeat every time you up-level!)

Expert mindset & energetic guidance so you can design your aligned & powerful affirmations

Beautiful workbook for you to create your affirmations & set your new ritual

Join this masterclass and leave up-levelled!


You’ll be wonderfully amazed at the power of your mindset & how affirmations support you.

And you’ll be designing and creating your future ON PURPOSE!

Wahoo - can’t wait for you to join me!

Becky x


what client's have said…


"Loving the affirmations work - I almost can’t believe how easy and simple it is to change your thoughts, and therefore your life!

I’m so excited for the future, and love how many positively minded people I’m crossing paths with.

Love your work!"